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Post by Rubedo Promet Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:47 pm

[17:14:14] -- poisonousTrap [PT] began trolling blazingEntropy [BE] at 17:14 --
[17:14:25] PT: ~~u#m... #i?...
[17:15:15] BE: ?.- Oh, jello I guess. Who is this?.
[17:16:25] PT: ~~i-i am... i just... #it t#e 'random encounter' bottom and... #-#ere i am... i guess?...
[17:18:11] BE: ?.- Oh, well that explains it. I mysel°F have °Cli°CKed that button be°Fore out o°F boredom.
[17:19:05] PT: ~~i see... u#m... so, #ow are you doing?...
[17:21:13] BE: ?.- I am doing Quite °Fine, thanK you °For asKing. How about you?.
[17:22:49] PT: ~~o#... yea#, i'm doing great... i t#ink... u#m... t#anks for asking...
[17:26:25] BE: ?.- You seem rather shy. Pardon me °For butting in an oven that it's not mine's, but your °Color suggest you're a seadweller. Am I the one maKing you un°Com°Fortable, by °Chan°Ce?.
[17:28:31] PT: ~~i s#ould stop using my own blood color for t#is.... but yea#... i'm a seadweller... and i'm just... bad at talking wit# ot#er trolls...
[17:31:13] BE: ?.- I'd advi°Ce against hiding your °Color, but that's your °Choi°Ce I guess.
[17:31:36] BE: ?.- I guess I don't Know a lot about seadwellers either.
[17:32:05] BE: ?.- I mysel°F don't live °Close to the sea, maybe I just assumed they all talKed dire°Ctly.
[17:32:44] PT: ~~o#... i don't leave close to sea eit#er...
[17:33:35] BE: ?.- Wait, what?.
[17:35:09] PT: ~~y-yea#... i mean... i am a seadweller... but i don't live near t#e sea...
[17:38:03] BE: ?.- That's... somedish I wasn't expe°Cting to be honest.
[17:38:43] BE: ?.- Is that why you have trouble talKing to other trolls?.
[17:40:36] PT: ~~i guess no one expects t#at?... and y-yes, more or less... t#at's one of t#e reasons... most of t#e trolls t#ink my forest is #aunted... t#ere are just a few explorers, but my lusus deals wit# t#em...
[18:18:53] BE: ?.- A haunted °Forest? I°F I may asK, where do you live?.
[18:23:08] PT: ~~o# well... i live in a forest far away from mostly everyt#ing, especially from t#e sea... t#oug# it is near some big caves i often explore...
[18:45:00] BE: ?.- Yes, it does °Certainly sound pretty °Far away °From everything. I mysel°F live in a hivestem system, so I don't thinK I °Can even begin to understand how exploration worKs.
[18:45:06] BE: ?.- Sounds pretty dangerous though.
[18:46:46] PT: ~~o#! it is dangerous... t#oug# i'm pretty used to it... to t#e point i get excited w#en t#ere is danger... but i #ave a lot of 'friends' t#at #elp me...
[18:50:56] BE: ?.- Do you go hunting then?.
[18:51:41] BE: ?.- Also, I'm terribly sorry, but I thinK I still don't Know how to re°Fer to you.
[18:52:07] PT: ~~yes... i go #unting a lot...
[18:52:41] PT: ~~o#... sorry i guess... my name is aryane metoid... u#m... can you tell me your name?...
[18:54:02] BE: ?.- My name is Rubedo Promet. LooKing ba°CK I guess introdu°Ctions should've been step one.
[18:54:23] BE: ?.- Also, I Know my name is rather °Feminine looKing, so I should °Clari°Fy that I'm a male.
[18:54:44] PT: ~~i guess?... like i said... i'm not really good at talking wit# ot#er trolls...
[18:54:59] PT: ~~o#, don't worry about t#at...
[18:55:10] PT: ~~i don't t#ink it is feminine t#oug#...
[18:56:57] BE: ?.- I thinK you are doing a pretty good job at talKing to me, i°F it matters.
[18:57:08] BE: ?.- Although, that's °Coming °From a rustblood.
[18:58:59] PT: ~~really?... t#anks!... and w#at if you are a rustblood?
[19:03:06] BE: ?.- The thing with being a rustblood is that everyone else minds it but you.
[19:03:28] BE: ?.- Other than that I °Can't say I've had any more problems I thinK.
[19:05:01] PT: ~~i don't t#ink being a rustblood is bad, neit#er being a purpleblood is good, i don't really care about t#e #emospectrum... but sorry if i'm being rude...
[19:09:45] BE: ?.- Oh no, it's oK. I personally don't °Care. The problem is, being a rustblood means your opinion is less valuable. Either way, I don't really °Care about it anymore I guess..
[19:10:57] PT: ~~well... i t#ink your opinion is equally important!...
[19:11:53] BE: ?.- ThanK you.
[19:12:25] BE: ?.- I guess it's ni°Ce not everything has to be su°Ch a huge °Cra°CKing pot everytime.
[19:15:50] PT: ~~you're welcome... u#m... cracking pot?...
[19:16:15] BE: ?.- I guess that's my way o°F saying a °Federal °Fu°CKing Issue.
[19:16:28] BE: ?.- Just with less upper °Case.
[19:17:05] PT: ~~o#... i understand... and yea#, you are rig#t... it is nice...
[19:18:48] BE: ?.- I thinK it's time °For me to go °Feed my lusus anyway.
[19:18:59] BE: ?.- While I get prepared, may I asK what Kind o°F lusus do you have?.
[19:19:38] PT: ~~o#, yea#... i #ave a wolf lusus... s#e is really nice... w#at is your lusus?...
[19:23:28] BE: ?.- Well, he is sort o°F a.
[19:23:34] BE: ?.- Oh goodness.
[19:23:43] BE: ?.- Seems I have to go.
[19:23:51] BE: ?.- He's a Phoenix and he's just set °Fire to itsel°F.
[19:23:58] PT: ~~o-o#...
[19:24:05] PT: ~~well, #urry up!...
[19:24:17] PT: ~~i guess we can talk later...
[19:24:27] BE: ?.- Yes, I will add you i°F that's oK with you.
[19:25:27] PT: ~~o# yes... t#en i'll add you too...
[19:25:49] BE: ?.- And now I must really go. The °Curtains are Kind o°F on °Fire.
[19:25:53] BE: ?.- See you later!.
[19:26:49] PT: ~~yes!... see you later... be careful!
[19:27:05] -- blazingEntropy [BE] ceased trolling poisonousTrap [PT] at 19:27 --

Last edited by Rubedo Promet on Sun May 04, 2014 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rubedo Promet
Rubedo Promet

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BE/PT Empty Second Conversation

Post by Aryane Metoid Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:25 pm

(This happens during this)

-- blazingEntropy [BE] began pestering poisonousTrap [PT] --
BE: ?.- Hey, PT.
BE: ?.- Sorry to in°Convenien°Ce you  now but, are you here by any °Chan°Ce?.
PT: ~~o#... #i be!
PT: ~~yes, i'm #ere
BE: ?.- °Can I asK °For your advi°Ce then?.
PT: ~~of Çourse...
BE: ?.- ThanK you. Well, you see, I was looKing out o°F my window °For a moment here.
PT: ~~and?
BE: ?.- And I thinK I saw a tent. Or a statue o°F a pyramid looKing thing that passes out as a tent. But that's highly unliKely, so a tent it is.
PT: ~~i see
PT: ~~but
PT: ~~w#at's t#e problem wit# it?...
PT: ~~maybe it is a new troll?
BE: ?.- I live in a °Communal hive stem..
BE: ?.- I guess I should have mentioned that.
PT: ~~o#... yes, s#ou s#oul #ave...
PT: ~~maybe #e/s#e is a traveler?...
BE: ?.- Maybe, but I am Kind o°F wary to asK them.
PT: ~~#m... i t#ink you s#ould go and greet t#em?...
PT: ~~you didn't asked t#e best troll for adviÇe...
BE: ?.- I don't see why that wouldn't worK I guess.
PT: ~~i don't really know...
PT: ~~i live in a forest...
PT: ~~it's not like a #ave a lot of friends...?
PT: ~~o# but!
PT: ~~i made a new one!
BE: ?.- You did?.
PT: ~~yea#! #er name is eisire
BE: ?.- Eisire?.
PT: ~~yes! #er name is eisire, s#e is really funny
BE: ?.- Unexpe°Cted turn o°F events are at the order o°F the day I guess.
BE: ?.- But I'm rambling.
BE: ?.- Did you two have °Fun?.
PT: ~~o# yea# we... wait, w-w#at do you mean by t#at?
BE: ?.- Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you implied Eisire and you had met personally. But now I'm leaning to thinK that it was bent more towards a °Conversation via trollian?.
PT: ~~o# no... we did met personally!
BE: ?.- Oh, so then you two hanged around having °Fun and that Kind o°F things?.
PT: ~~yes! i even went to #er #ive and we ate toget#er!
BE: ?.- What did you eat?.
BE: ?.- Wait.
BE: ?.- I thinK I saw somedish.
PT: ~~w#at is it?
BE: ?.- I thinK that my mystery troll is, in °Fa°Ct, inside the tent.
PT: ~~really?
BE: ?.- I'm not really sure, but I thinK I saw somedish brush against the °Fabri°C.
PT: ~~t#en you s#ould go! at least i would go and greet t#em...
BE: ?.- Oh, I'm dying to maKe new °Friends.
PT: ~~t#en go!
PT: ~~t#oug#...
PT: ~~i guess we are not friends?...
BE: ?.- ...That was sar°Casm, PT, you spot a guy °Camping in the middle o°F the °City and tell me it doesn't maKe you °Feel suspi°Cious.
PT: ~~i'm sorry...
PT: ~~well i don't really know #ow a Çity is...
BE: ?.- Don't say that.
PT: ~~w#at?
BE: ?.- It's not your °Fault, and we are °Friends.
PT: ~~o# i'm sor- er... t#en t#at's great!
BE: ?.- But I guess the best way to °Find out i°F he's planning to gut someone is to go asK.
PT: ~~yes... i guess it is t#e best way t#ere is
PT: ~~wait
PT: ~~did you say '#e'?
BE: ?.- I'm mostly assuming here.
BE: ?.- °Females are way more aggresive.
BE: ?.- You °Could say it's wish°Ful thinKing.
PT: ~~o#... yea#, i see
PT: ~~t#en, will you go?
PT: ~~you Çan also wait for t#em to make a move...
BE: ?.- As °Contraprodu°Cent as it would be o°F me to approa°Ch a stranger on their territory, a stranger who may or may not breaK my bones liKe they are made o°F glazed °Crystal.
BE: ?.- I'll go.
BE: ?.- Be°Cause why the dunt not.
PT: ~~i guess?
PT: ~~are you being sarÇastiÇ again?
BE: ?.- No, I'm a°Ctually going, despite everything pointing to this being a bad idea.
BE: ?.- This is the pla°Ce where I live.
PT: ~~#ey... t#ink of it as an adventure!
BE: ?.- I want to be sa°Fe where I live.
PT: ~~i Çan understand t#at...
BE: ?.- I will.
BE: ?.- I thinK I will go now.
BE: ?.- Oh and PT?.
PT: ~~yes?
BE: ?.- You're a good °Friend.
BE: ?.- ThanKs.
PT: ~~r-really?
PT: ~~you're welÇome!
BE: ?.- YouoY.
-- blazingEntropy [BE] gave up trolling poisonousTrap [PT] --
Aryane Metoid
Aryane Metoid

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Age : 24

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BE/PT Empty Re: BE/PT

Post by Rubedo Promet Sun May 04, 2014 7:42 pm

((Takes place during Sickly Seadweller ))

-- blazingEntropy [BE] began trolling poisonousTrap [PT] --
BE: ?.- Jello, PT.
PT: ~~o#, #i be
BE: ?.- How are you doing?.
BE: ?.- I hope I didn't interrupt anything.
PT: ~~i'm great t#anks, w#at about you?
PT: ~~no, you didn't
BE: ?.- I am at someone else's house right now, a °Friend.
BE: ?.- She got si°CK so I'm... taKing °Care o°F her. In a sense.
PT: ~~a friend? w#at friend?
PT: ~~is it you date?
PT: ~~of t#e ot#er day i mean...
BE: ?.- Dates are not a thing that happened to me, nor are °Currently happening to me. And I highly doubt they ever will.
BE: ?.- Unless helping her to stop puKing °Counts as dating, I guess.
PT: ~~o#... sorry, i didn't mean it t#at way... it doesn't Çounts but... well...
PT: ~~u#m...
PT: ~~anyway, s#e's siÇk?
BE: ?.- Yes, pretty mu°Ch. It's her stoma°Ch, so I'm °CooKing some ri°Ce °For her now.
BE: ?.- Although I still don't believe I'm here, to be Quite sin°Cere with you.
PT: ~~o# gog... i'm sorry for #er... and i know w#at you mean, i #ave been in ot#er troll's #ouse just onÇe
BE: ?.- Yes. Although, answering your °First Question, whi°Ch I never got to answer (and that being rather rude on my a°C°Count), her name is Eisire.
PT: ~~don't worry about t#at
PT: ~~wait
PT: ~~did you just said eisire?
PT: ~~o# my gog
PT: ~~s#e is siÇk?
PT: ~~#ow is s#e?
PT: ~~is s#e alrig#t?
BE: ?.- Wait. Do you Know her?.
BE: ?.- And she will be °Fine, don't worry.
PT: ~~yes, i know #er
PT: ~~but
PT: ~~are you sure
PT: ~~i mean
PT: ~~o# gog, w#at did s#e ate?
BE: ?.- ....
BE: ?.- I'm highly doubting I have the right to tell you about that.
BE: ?.- You should asK her instead.
BE: ?.- Eisire AQuinas? The same Eisire AQuinas? AA?.
PT: ~~yes, yes, yes
PT: ~~t#e same
PT: ~~o# gog, #ow is p#obee? s#e didn't ate t#e same rig#t?
BE: ?.- You even Know the dragon then... when did you guys meet?.
BE: ?.- And... I'm a°Ctually not sure about that either. But it seems she °Can °CooK °Food with °Fire, so she should be °Fine.
PT: ~~well... i t#ink it was a few days, maybe a week ago...
PT: ~~o#, i'm glad to know t#at t#en
BE: ?.- But it's nothing serious, I promise. She will be better tomorrow, and °Fine in two or three days.
BE: ?.- I'm speaKing with the voi°Ce o°F experien°Ce here.
PT: ~~o#... t#en i'll trust you about t#at
BE: ?.- Albeit I still don't Know what to do with this pie°Ce o°F in°Formation.
PT: ~~pieÇe of information?
BE: ?.- You two Knowing ea°Ch other.
PT: ~~o# yes, we are friends
PT: ~~s#e is really funny
BE: ?.- No, it's not really that. Is just...
PT: ~~#m?
BE: ?.- She Knows another one o°F the trolls I met just yesterday.
BE: ?.- The tent one.
PT: ~~o#, yea#! i remember you talked to me about t#at
PT: ~~#ow did it go wit# #im?
BE: ?.- It was alright. I got his handle and we hanged out a bit. His name is Theiyw and he's a blueblood.
PT: ~~o# great! so you two went on a date?
BE: ?.- Why does everyone insist on it being a date...
PT: ~~e#? i'm not t#e only one w#o t#inks it is? t#en, maybe it's beÇause it was a date!
BE: ?.- AA thought that too. But then she got °Food poisoning and thought it was be°Cause she was teasing me, thought, so maybe she really didn't believe that but was trying to maKe me °Flustered.

PT: ~~o#...
BE: ?.- It was so not a date.

BE: ?.- I just showed him around the area.
PT: ~~just t#at? not#ing else? like eating toget#er or somet#ing
BE: ?.- Oh, wait, Eisire's ri°Ce is ready. I'll tell you all about him and our hanging out as °Friends later, is that oK?.
PT: ~~#m.. okay... but you #ave to tell me
BE: ?.- I promise.
BE: ?.- Have a ni°Ce dinner, PT.
PT: ~~it's a #owl t#en!
PT: ~~you too
PT: ~~tell eisire to take Çare
-- blazingEntropy [BE] ceased trolling poisonousTrap [PT] --
Rubedo Promet
Rubedo Promet

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BE/PT Empty Re: BE/PT

Post by Rubedo Promet Sat May 17, 2014 9:54 pm

-- blazingEntropy [BE] began trolling poisonousTrap [PT] --
BE: ?.- Hey PT.
BE: ?.- Are you there?.
PT: ~~o# be! sorry, i was talking wit# someone
PT: ~~w#at's t#e matter?
BE: ?.- Oh, nothing. Everything's oK. Per°Fe°Ctly oK. Very oK.
BE: ?.- ...
PT: ~~w#at did you sÇrew up?
PT: ~~okay, sorry... t#at was pretty rude
PT: ~~but seriously
BE: ?.- I... I really didn't s°Crew anything up.
PT: ~~w#at #appened?
BE: ?.- I... I met someone new. I thinK they live in the °Forest.
PT: ~~in t#e forest? like me?
BE: ?.- Well... in the °Forest near the pla°Ce where I live, where I go to pi°CK herbs and seeds.
PT: ~~o# i see, i don't t#ink i live in t#at forest
PT: ~~but it's pretty muÇ# t#e same i guess?
BE: ?.- And I don't thinK it's haunted so...
BE: ?.- But this troll, he, uhm.
PT: ~~#e?
PT: ~~o# gog, did #e attaÇk you?
PT: ~~are you alrig#t?
BE: ?.- No, he's a°Ctually pretty ni°Ce.
BE: ?.- Maybe a bit "too ni°Ce".
PT: ~~o#... and w#at's t#e problem wit# t#at?
PT: ~~meeting niÇe trolls is good!
BE: ?.- Yes. Uh, long story short: I got nervous and I promised him I would introdu°Ce him to my °Friends.
BE: ?.- You and T°F and AA.
PT: ~~tf?
BE: ?.- Yes, sorry. A blueblood, tumultous°Fa°Cade.
BE: ?.- His name is Theiyw.
PT: ~~wait!
PT: ~~did you said t#eiyw?
BE: ?.- Yes, why?.
PT: ~~t#e troll i just met rig#t now is named t#eiyw
BE: ?.- Oh.
BE: ?.- Oh so he's there...
BE: ?.- I guess... tell him I said hi?.
PT: ~~of Çourse! i'll tell #im
PT: ~~but anyway, tell me more about t#e troll you met
BE: ?.- Yes. I agree with that. Let's worry about how we are all °Coming together later.
BE: ?.- He's a jade blood.
BE: ?.- I Know the hemospe°Ctrum hierar°Chy but I °Can't remember what jade bloods do.
PT: ~~jade bloods... let me t#ink
BE: ?.- Maybe you °Can asK Theiyw too or somedish.
PT: ~~ask #im? about w#at? meeting your new friend?
BE: ?.- No, about jade bloods.
BE: ?.- I've never seen one be°Fore.
PT: ~~i t#ink t#e jade bloods #ave somet#ing to do wit# t#e sun, but let me ask #im
BE: ?.- Oh oK.
BE: ?.- ThanKs.
BE: ?.- I'll wait here.
BE: ?.- °Completely °Calm.
BE: ?.- And patiently.
BE: ?.- Sorry °For talKing with short senten°Ces, I guess I didn't thought that one out.
PT: ~~yea#... you don't appear to be Çalm...
PT: ~~w#at is really #appening out t#ere?
BE: ?.- Potdammit.
PT: ~~w#at?
BE: ?.- I'm having lun°Ch with him tomorrow.
PT: ~~lunÇ#?
BE: ?.- Yes, and I'm bringing it. It just happened and I don't Know how.
PT: ~~t#is troll is quite speÇial if you are talking wit#out t#inking...
BE: ?.- I have to go to the °Forest to meet someone whom I don't even Know anything about their blood °Color and taKing lun°Ch with me, and also I promised him he'd meet my °Friends, I thinK I have every right to be °FreaKing out even i°F just a little.
BE: ?.- I don't even Know how I ended there.
PT: ~~you #ave t#e rig#t... w#at i mean is
PT: ~~you always seem to be Çalm
PT: ~~w#at #appened t#ere?
BE: ?.- He's...
BE: ?.- I don't Know how to put it, but, i°F I have to °Choose a word...
BE: ?.- Strange.
PT: ~~strange?
BE: ?.- Usually when I met people, they warm up with time.
BE: ?.- But this guy, he es°Calates Qui°CKly.
PT: ~~#m... i see, so you're kind of surprised?
BE: ?.- When we met he said he had no reason to hurt me "yet". Minutes later he was sharing °Fruit with me as proo°F o°F °Friendship, I genuinely had no idea what had happened. So yes, you °Could say I was more than a bit surprised.
BE: ?.- Also.
BE: ?.- No, nevermind.
PT: ~~w#at?
PT: ~~you know you Çan trust me
BE: ?.- It's just somedish he did, I don't Know i°F I should tell you about that i°F you are going to meet him.
PT: ~~o#... well, if you don't want it's okay
PT: ~~t#oug# now i'm Çurious
BE: ?.- Is just.
BE: ?.- He doesn't... liKe violen°Ce?.
BE: ?.- And when he thought I was s°Cared o°F him he seemed Kind o°F. Dissapointed.
PT: ~~violenÇe? t#at's great!
BE: ?.- I guess you're right.
BE: ?.- I °Felt a bit... well, a bit o°F bad ba°CK there.
PT: ~~bad? w#y?
PT: ~~beÇause you felt sÇared of #im?
BE: ?.- I don't Know, I just °Felt bad when he said those things and was so dissapointed. LiKe he was sort o°F lonely?.
BE: ?.- I didn't really °Feel a°Fraid.
BE: ?.- It was di°F°Ferent.
BE: ?.- Maybe I'm just not used to meeting people who thinK liKe that.
PT: ~~i guess no one is... after all, we live in a world w#ere violenÇe is like t#e first rule...
BE: ?.- I Know but. You Know. "Rustblood"?.
BE: ?.- It was all sort o°F new..
BE: ?.- I guess I Kind o°F °Felt bad rea°Cting so surprised at °First and maKing him °Feel unwel°Come.
PT: ~~i guess t#at is
PT: ~~but
PT: ~~i Çan understand it perfeÇtly aÇtually, you #ave a situation similar to mine
PT: ~~i'm #ig# in t#e #emospeÇtrum
PT: ~~but i'm not #ow i'm supposed to be
PT: ~~so finding landwellers t#at want to be my friends is kind of #ard
PT: ~~someone aÇting kind toward me, not beÇause of politeness, but beÇause t#ey like me
PT: ~~i would be as surprised as you
PT: ~~i felt surprised w#en i talked wit# you #ere in trollian
PT: ~~you didn't rejeÇt me
PT: ~~you even told me not to #ide my blood Çolor
PT: ~~even if we #adn't met faÇe to faÇe
PT: ~~i felt really #appy
BE: ?.- PT, every person I've met in the past thinKs they °Can own me and I'm pretty mu°Ch resignated to that by now.
BE: ?.- I don't have blood, I have liQuid trash on my veins.
PT: ~~own... you?
PT: ~~w#at are you talking about? don't say t#at kind of t#ings!
BE: ?.- Maybe. But it's true to everyone else.
BE: ?.- So I learned to live with it.
BE: ?.- And then, out o°F nowhere, as I was pi°CKing some things °For my lusus...
PT: ~~and you met #im?
BE: ?.- Exa°Ctly.
BE: ?.- And it was strange.
BE: ?.- °Certainly nothing I've had to deal with be°Fore.
BE: ?.- So I... slipped in some de°Cisions and in short.
BE: ?.- I'm a dunt.
PT: ~~you're not
PT: ~~you're just Çonfused
PT: ~~and surprised
PT: ~~and i don't t#ink t#at's a bad t#ing!
BE: ?.- So you're willing to meet him?.
PT: ~~of Çourse i am!
BE: ?.- I dragged you all into this and when I realized it it was Kind o°F late.
BE: ?.- But I just °Couldn't say no, as stupid as that sounds.
PT: ~~i'm always #appy of meeting ot#er trolls
BE: ?.- What about Theiyw? And AA? °Could you asK them °For me?.
PT: ~~and i'm sure eisire and t#eiyw will agree too
PT: ~~i will ask t#em
PT: ~~t#eiyw is #ere wit# me, so i Çan do it easily, i just #ave to message eis
BE: ?.- Oh thanK you, be°Cause I really am having a hard time °Fa°Cing them a°Fter that.
BE: ?.- Also I have to thinK o°F lun°Ch °For tomorrow.
PT: ~~i also #ave a friend, #er name is duÇita s#e... well, t#at's anot#er story, but i Çan ask #er too if you want
BE: ?.- Oh, I'd love to meet her as well. And I'm sure Vitreu would too.
PT: ~~it's a #owl t#en!
BE: ?.- Sorry °For °FreaKing out though.
PT: ~~don't worry
PT: ~~...
PT: ~~rubedo
BE: ?.- Yes?.
PT: ~~Çan... Çan i ask you somet#ing?
BE: ?.- I guess.
PT: ~~w#at would you do, if you #ad a paleÇrus# on someone, but t#at troll already #ad a moirail?
PT: ~~i don't want to #arm #er
PT: ~~but it's kind of painful...
BE: ?.- Uh...
BE: ?.- PT I should tell you somedish.
PT: ~~#m?
BE: ?.- Never have I ever °Filled any o°F my Quadrants.
BE: ?.- I resignated to be °Culled one day.
BE: ?.- So I stopped looKing.
PT: ~~... o#... i'm so sorry for being t#is Çareless!
PT: ~~i'm so, so sorry
PT: ~~i didn't mean to...
PT: ~~o# gog
PT: ~~i'm t#e worst troll in t#is planet
BE: ?.- PT.
BE: ?.- I never said I tried to °Fill them.
PT: ~~... w#at?
BE: ?.- I really thinK I °Can't. I have never °Felt anything °For anyone be°Fore..
BE: ?.- But I °Can tell you somedish: °For°Cing it doesn't maKe it magi°Cally worK.
PT: ~~you mean... t#at i s#ould give up?
PT: ~~i guess t#at's for t#e best...
BE: ?.- No. I mean you should move on and °Find someone else.
BE: ?.- Be°Cause you °Can °Feel.
BE: ?.- Use that in your °Favor.
PT: ~~i already ruined my moiralleganÇe before...
PT: ~~i s#ouldn't even try filling quadrants...
BE: ?.- Your li°Fespan is longer than mine.
BE: ?.- You °Can't give up just yet, you have plenty o°F time.
BE: ?.- And interest.
PT: ~~even if i #ave... i don't want to ruin everyt#ing again
PT: ~~i don't want to...
BE: ?.- I°F you don't try you'll never Know what °Can and °Can't be done.
BE: ?.- And i°F things are ruined, it means they weren't meant to be that way.
PT: ~~but w#at if i kill t#em again?!
PT: ~~...
PT: ~~o# gog
PT: ~~forget i said t#at
PT: ~~forget
PT: ~~no, gog, no...
PT: ~~damn... just... please forget i said a t#ing
BE: ?.- °Calm down.
BE: ?.- I°F you want me to then I will.
PT: ~~you surely are t#inking im somekind of monster...
PT: ~~w#o kills t#eir own moirail?
BE: ?.- PT, I'm a lowblood living in a lowblood area, so maybe I don't Know a lot about violen°Ce...
BE: ?.- But I Know it exists and happens °For a reason.
BE: ?.- My advi°Ce would be Keep going on until you °Find what was suppossed to be done.
BE: ?.- And then everything should maKe sense.
PT: ~~i'm sÇared t#oug#...
PT: ~~i don't like violenÇe at all
PT: ~~but i guess i Çan't #elp it sometimes sinÇe i'm a seadweller?
PT: ~~t#oug#, if w#at you say it's true
PT: ~~does t#at means i'll find someone? t#at t#ere is aÇtually someone for me?
BE: ?.- Sometimes we have to use ingredients we don't liKe on their own °For the bene°Fit o°F the re°Cipe.
BE: ?.- But then, when it °Comes out, we °Find out that it was worth it.
PT: ~~... w#at does t#at means?
BE: ?.- That you °Can't °Change the things you disliKe but you °Can maKe those worK in your °Favor to get to your goal.
BE: ?.- And who Knows, maybe on°Ce you a°C°Cept this °Fa°Ct you'll °Find your per°Fe°Ct moirail.
PT: ~~you're... Çompletely rig#t...
PT: ~~i never t#oug#t of it...
BE: ?.- I hope I °Could help.
PT: ~~yes, you did
PT: ~~t#ank you a lot!
BE: ?.- You're wel°Come.
PT: ~~you're always #elping me, even if you're t#e one w#o talks to me at first
PT: ~~i'm suÇ# a bad friend
PT: ~~i'm sorry, i don't #ave friends usually
PT: ~~but i'll try my best
PT: ~~so, ask me anyt#ing!
BE: ?.- You're hanging out with people right now, aren't you?.
BE: ?.- You're doing pretty well.
PT: ~~you Çould say so... t#oug# i just met t#em by aÇÇident... but t#anks
BE: ?.- And I guess I should really get worKing on this lun°Ch.
BE: ?.- There go my nerves again.
PT: ~~don't be nervous!
PT: ~~i know you're a great Çook
BE: ?.- I have no idea what I should expe°Ct.
PT: ~~i told you, you are a great Çook! you'll impress #im!
BE: ?.- No I'm not worried about him.
PT: ~~about w#at t#en?
BE: ?.- I'm worried about how he maKes me °Feel I guess. All nervous and sweaty and not Knowing what to expe°Ct be°Cause I don't want to see him maKing that piti°Ful °Fa°Ce liKe I hurt him again.
PT: ~~wait...
PT: ~~do you feel pity about #im?
BE: ?.- Oh no, no don't go there again.
PT: ~~w#at?
PT: ~~w#at did i say?
BE: ?.- It wasn't that Kind o°F pity I swear.
PT: ~~i'm... sorry? i swear it was an innoÇent question...
BE: ?.- I was just preventing Theiyw #2.
PT: ~~pff #a#a#a
PT: ~~i didn't even remember about t#at!
PT: ~~but you didn't feel pity wit# t#eiyw rig#t?
PT: ~~t#is troll is different
BE: ?.- Yes.
BE: ?.- He lives all on his own in a °Forest a°Fter all.
BE: ?.- I guess he really didn't have a lot o°F °Conta°Ct with other trolls.
BE: ?.- It was just... unexpe°Cted.
PT: ~~it's normal w#en you live in a forest, believe me
PT: ~~but you did feel pity t#en?
BE: ?.- I guess some.
BE: ?.- I °Felt really really bad when they thought I was a°Fraid o°F them.
BE: ?.- Whi°Ch I Kind o°F was but not be°Cause he was dangerous, he was just too lively.
PT: ~~#m... i wan't to meet t#at troll
PT: ~~i get your point...
BE: ?.- Well. I guess tomorrow when I meet him I'll taKe my phone with me...?.
PT: ~~t#at's a good idea!
BE: ?.- Oh wait.
PT: ~~w#at?
BE: ?.- It's the °Forest...
PT: ~~o#... yea#...
BE: ?.- I guess I'll have to asK °For his handle so you all °Can °Chat.
PT: ~~t#at sounds good too!
BE: ?.- I'd o°F°Fer to taKe a pi°Cture o°F him but I guess that'd mean you'd have to send a pi°Cture too.
BE: ?.- Unless you °Can taKe a pi°Cture in that °Cave with everyone.
PT: ~~ug#... i'm not really sure about taking piÇtures, and i don't know #ow to ask everyone about it
BE: ?.- Oh, it's oK then.
BE: ?.- I'll just get his handle.
PT: ~~okay!
BE: ?.- Then I'll talK to you tomorrow.
PT: ~~it's a #owl
BE: ?.- Have a ni°Ce meal.
BE: ?.- Or adventure, I guess.
PT: ~~you too! and don't be nervous
-- blazingEntropy [BE] ceased trolling poisonousTrap [PT] --
Rubedo Promet
Rubedo Promet

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Join date : 2014-04-19
Location : My room

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