One Sweep Stand
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Post by Eisire Aquina Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:04 pm

-- aquaticAssassin [AA] began messaging regretfulClown [RC] --
AA: h€llo aarush (:€
AA: i hav€ two things i wish to discuss!
RC: ❂Yo Princess, wha‡'s up?❂
AA: firstly: i w€nt running tonight
AA: and it was horrid
AA: how do you do it €v€ry night?
RC: ❂Ya jus‡ have ‡o ease in‡o i‡.❂
RC: ❂No‡ ‡ake a mara‡hon in a day.❂
AA: i only did on€ circit around th€ island and my l€gs f€lt lik€ th€y w€r€ on fir€
RC: ❂I jus‡ wen‡ up and down ‡he ‡rail infron‡ of my hive ‡ill jus‡ before ‡he cliff... so around a half mile?❂
RC: ❂Island is a bi‡ large...❂
AA: hm... i think i did about a mil€
AA: mayb€ two
AA: i think i'll stick to swimming
RC: ❂Haha❂
AA: so s€cond point!
AA: i just want€d to l€t you know that i won't b€ at my hiv€ for awhil€,
AA: could b€ a f€w days or a w€€k or two
AA: i'm off on an adv€ntur€! (:€
RC: ❂Adven‡ure? Wai‡, alone?❂
AA: no, i'm going with a clos€ fri€nd of min€
RC: ❂I dunno Eissi... ❂
RC: ❂I meen will ya hive be allrigh‡?❂
AA: y€ah, i'v€ got my dragons to k€€p an €y€ on it
RC: ❂Do you have someone comeing around ‡o check i‡?❂
RC: ❂I meen my hive is pri‡‡y hidden...❂
AA: no, i was just going to l€av€ it b€
RC: ❂Bu‡ s‡ill I ask Duci‡a ‡o check i‡...❂
AA: hm...
RC: ❂Who is ‡his friend?❂
RC: ❂Ya jus‡ go‡ over ge‡‡ing all banged up...❂
AA: his nam€ is th€iyw and its thanks to him i wasn't mor€ bang€d up
RC: ❂Maybe I should ‡ag along?❂
RC: ❂‡heiyw??❂
AA: h€'s sav€d m€ s€v€ral tim€s and i trust him
RC: ❂I know him.❂
AA: r€ally?
AA: small world!
RC: ❂He blue blood wi‡h ou‡ a hive righ‡?❂
AA: y€s, w€ll h€ do€s hav€ a hiv€ but its a t€nt
RC: ❂Well wi‡h ou‡ a proper sa‡ionary hive I meen❂
AA: y€s (:€
RC: ❂He cool.❂
AA: i'll b€ staying with him for a whil€, i don't know wh€n w€'ll trav€l clos€r to th€ shor€ again
AA: but i'm taking cim€ro, so i can fly hom€ wh€n€v€r
AA: in fact i'm actually riding cim€ro right now
RC: ❂‡ha‡'s cool ‡oo... S‡ill ‡hinking I should ‡ag along bu‡ if ya have every‡hing all se‡‡led...❂
AA: i don't know if th€r€ would b€ room for all thr€€ of us to sl€€p in th€ t€nt,
RC: ❂Jus‡ besure ‡o keep ‡hem fins of yours covered.❂
AA: but if w€ trav€l by your hiv€ i'll l€t you know!
AA: and i will!
RC: ❂Yep, and i‡'ll be no problem for me ‡o grab my gear and come along.❂
RC: ❂No ma‡‡a where ya are.❂
AA: ok (:€
RC: ❂And if ‡he ‡wo of you ge‡ in ‡o ‡rubble ‡ell me... I'll be ‡here.❂
AA: i'm sur€ w€ won't g€t into any but if w€ do i will
RC: ❂‡he ‡wo of you jus‡... ‡ravling around?❂
AA: y€ah, just going wh€r€-€v€r his lusus tak€s us
AA: i'm hoping w€ €nd up camping in ruins or som€thing!
AA: that would b€ pr€tty aw€som€ (:€
RC: ❂Haha... Jus‡ becareful... and don'‡ ge‡ s‡uck a‡ sun up...❂
RC: ❂‡hem day walkers ain‡ no joke, nea‡her is ‡he sun.❂
AA: w€ won't!
AA: i'll b€ saf€ and s€nsibl€, i promis€
AA: i am a big s€adw€ll€r who can f€nd for h€rs€lf! (:€
RC: ❂Alrigh‡... You useing ‡ha‡ Day-cloak I go‡ ya?❂
RC: ❂Yah Yah bu‡ i‡'s my job ‡o worry...❂
AA: y€s, i hav€ it stow€d in my sylad€x
AA: i'll b€ fin€ you hav€ nothing to worry about! (:€
RC: ❂Alrigh‡... You have a spare ‡en‡? ‡ravle coon? ex‡ra food?❂
AA: uh.... no, no, y€s.
AA: i hav€ a pad to sl€€p on and som€ pillows and blank€ts,
AA: i hav€ sl€€p aids som€wh€r€ in my sylad€x
RC: ❂Ge‡ an ex‡ra ‡en‡ when ya can.❂
RC: ❂Jus‡ incase ‡he ‡wo of you ge‡ sepera‡ed❂
AA: if w€ stop by a mark€t i will k€€p an €y€ out (:€
AA: and if wors€ com€s to wors€, i can tak€ sh€lt€r und€r cim€ro's wing
AA: h€'s pr€tty much sunproof
RC: ❂Okay...❂
RC: ❂Ya won'‡ forge‡ ‡o call ya?❂
AA: i won't (:€
AA: and i will s€nd you som€ pictur€s of our aw€som€ adv€ntur€!
RC: ❂Alrigh‡ :0)❂
AA: wh€n w€ mak€ camp lat€r tonight i'll l€t you know ok?
RC: ❂Alrigh‡. Have fun Princess. And if ‡he ‡wo of you make i‡ up here I'll make up some food❂
AA: i will! and that would b€ gr€at, i'll l€t th€iyw know
AA: i'v€ got to go now, i'm about to land
AA: i'll talk to you lat€r!
AA: xxxx
RC: ❂Alrigh‡. Give ‡he speed demon a pe‡ for me. ❂
RC: ❂<3 xxx❂
AA: <3

-- aquaticAssassin [AA] stopped messaging regretfulClown [RC] --
Eisire Aquina
Eisire Aquina

Posts : 375
Join date : 2014-04-19
Age : 29
Location : Virgina, USA

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